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This is notify all the Colleges, its Principal and OICs that the existing Admitek SLA that was signed between us, stands amended as below:


  • Section IV (F): All transactions initiated by the students, shall be subject to certain amount of TDR per transaction. Rates of which are given below:
    1. Credit/Debit/ATM Cards : No Change
    2. Discovery & Amex Cards : No Change
    3. Net Banking : Rs. 10 + 2.5% per transaction


  • Section V (g): In cases of duplicate/double/more than once fee payments by students, SevenM shall ask students to furnish their bank account details for refund of such excess payments. And in cases of payments done by students for more than one course, SevenM will provide a list of such students/transactions to the college. Upon college’s confirmation only, shall SevenM process the respective payments to the student and the college.
  • Section V (h): Unless mentioned otherwise, SevenM shall have the right to deduct/hold back reimbursements to colleges, from all or any money collected on their behalf, if the company’s invoices are lying unpaid beyond a period of one month from the date of Invoice to the extent of the invoiced amount.

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